Trail FAIR Society (Family and Individual Resource Society) has been providing free, confidential services in the Greater Trail area since the mid 1970s we began as the Women in Need Society (WINS). Now – over 40 years later – we have grown to meet the emerging needs of the community providing 19 programs offered by over 50 staff and volunteers in 5 service locations.
We are a registered non-profit charity and welcome your gifts of funds, expertise or time. This website is still a work in progress, but please check out our Service Stream pages, blog posts and calendar to learn more about our Agency and the people we support.
Main Office: 2079 Columbia Ave in Trail. In East Trail, between the Aquatic Centre and Columbia Glass. 250-364-2326. All postal mail and general inquiries can be forwarded to this address
Fruitvale Elementary School: 1867 Columbia Gardens Rd in Fruitvale
Trail United Church: 1300 Pine Ave in Trail – beside Trail City Hall
Rossland Ave Little House: 252 Rossland Ave – beside Star Grocery
WINS Transition House and Regional Crisis Line – please call if you need these addresses