Get to Know us: Not sure what we do? Just ask. Have a group or organization that would like more information on an issue that you think we might deal with? Just let us know. We’d be happy to arrange a speaker or provide some informative resources.
Cash donations: Our community is diverse, and so are the needs of it’s citizens. Your cash donations enable us to provide food & product vouchers for at-risk clients, swim passes for children, school & Christmas supplies for families, and basic emergency dental services for low-income clients experiencing pain. Donations & Grants are also critical to keep our facilities comfortable and in good repair.
Become a volunteer: Our Crisis Line offers training several times per year for those interested in assisting on the West Kootenay Boundary Crisis Line. Extensive screening, role-playing and debriefing is provided by staff so volunteers can grow and feel confident in the services the provide. If you are interested, please complete an application form and contact the Crisis Line Office for details on the next training. We also occasionally need extra hands with various skills for special events – just give us a call if you’d like to help us out.
Become a Board Member: As a non-profit organization, we are governed by a Volunteer Board of Directors. We are blessed to have an energetic mix of veteran and newbie members with a variety of backgrounds, interests and skill sets. We are always welcome new additions. If you are interested, please contact FAIR’s Executive Director at our Columbia Ave office.
Employment: We currently employee about 45 full time, part time and casual paid employees. Many started out as volunteers or came to us through post-secondary Practicum experiences. All of our positions have minimum educational requirements and many require a degree in a relevant field. When openings do occur, they will be posted here as well as through regional Job boards such as WorkBC.