Working with Families for Strong Community

StrongStart Fruitvale

StrongStart is a free, school-based Early Learning Program located at Fruitvale Elementary school. For children aged 0-5 years and their parent/caregiver.  8:30am to 11:30am Monday to Friday following the school calendar.

Families are welcome to book up to 2 days per week and up to 2 weeks ahead

An easy way to book is through FAIR’s new on-line booking portal – check it out here.  We think the portal is pretty cool, but we are still getting used to it and there are bound to be some hiccups.  If you have any trouble, just send the facilitator an e-mail at and she will get back to you.

All children must be registered with the school district before attending. The  Child/Student Registation forms may be downloaded, printed, completed and presented with the child’s birth certificate on the child’s first day, or may be filled out through the booking portal.

Thank you for your on-going support as we learn new ways to do things to help keep our families healthy and happy.